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Sunday, June 29, 2008


I had a small family surprise party for Kevin last night. He was so surprised, especially since it's not his birthday! I wanted to do something special for Kevin when he turned 30, but Preston was days away from his arrival. Last year when Kevin turned 31, we were so busy planning Preston's 1st birthday party. So I decided to throw him a 31 1/2 surprise party! It worked. He was very excited to see his brothers and sisters. Thanks for driving to see us!

Mom & Dad let me host the party at their house so we could swim. Thanks Mom & Dad for all your help!

Preston did a good job keeping the party a secret from Daddy!
Kevin loves cars, especially corvettes. He used to own a 81 corvette when we first started dating, but ended up selling it.(not my idea :) A new one is not in the cards just yet for us, so these little ones will have to do for now.
Set to surprise Kevin.

Swimming with Daddy.

Kevin & his "mini-me"
Grandma & pa Kist & my Godson Hunter.

Preston & Karen
Chris & Curt playing cornhole.


I thought I would post some updated pictures of my garden.
A green pepper is on the way.
We have lots of green tomatoes...
and a few red cherry tomatoes.
We picked our first batch of fresh green beans.


The drywall is finally underway! Here are some pics so far. They should finish this week, then the real fun begins...painting! My arm hurts already.

The kitchen area


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Dawn and Cameron went with Preston and I to the zoo today.
Here are the two cuties.

Checking out the gorilla. He turned his back on us and ignored us.

Mommy & Preston
Rhinos...We passed them twice and they never moved!

Preston was getting heavy...so I made the kid get out and push the stroller for awhile! HA!
All that stroller pushing makes a guy thirsty!
Thanks for the going with us Dawn & Cameron!


Last night we played at Speede Park. What a great playground!

Preston loves to swing.
Saying "Hi" to Daddy.
Of all the equipment there, Preston loved the rocks the most. His highlight was throwing them on the slide and hearing the noise they make when they hit. Crazy boy!


Here's Kevin working out on the Wii Fit. It was pretty entertaining, actually! My favorite is the hula hoop. In the picture below, Kevin is working it!
Looking good, sweetie!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Kevin & I were cracking up at Preston's diaper malfunction!
But I think the joke was on us...because while we were laughing, Preston watered the house!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


We spent the weekend at Kevin's parents house on Lake Erie.

Playing on the beach. The water was cold!
Preston and Aunt Trish
Drawing on the long car ride there.
Kevin snapped some pictures of the sunset.

So tired... no naps! He was falling asleep during dinner.

Kevin, Grampa Kist & Preston.....Happy Father's Day!

Enjoying the sunset on the patio.

Going home....so exhausted!