Have ya ever had one of those weekends where you need another weekend just to recover from your weekend? That was ours. My saga began Thursday at 3AM. I woke up feeling like I had the flu. I didn't sleep the rest of the night. I went ahead and tried to get ready for my workshop Friday, but by 7:30, I decided I just wasn't feeling well enough to go. Kevin took Preston to my mom on his way to work since I wasn't feeling well. I couldn't make it off the couch all day. By 3PM, I was convinced that I was sick and/or in pre-term labor. I called my mom to take me to the ER while Kevin met me there. They determined that I was dehydrated and I was indeed having contractions and was dilated 2 centimeters. They gave me fluid and drugs which knocked me out to let me rest and to stop the contractions. I had orders to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. They assured me that the next day I should be as good as new.
And back to the ER.... Saturday morning, I was not as good as new! I felt worse. By noon, the contractions were back and worse and I felt even more sick. Scared that this little guy is going to arrive too soon, I decided to go back to the ER. My temperature was up which was affecting Blaise's heartrate. Fortunately, I had not dilated any more from the night before despite the contractions. They tested for the flu and bacterial infections, both of which were negative. They decided that I had a virus and gave me more fluids to move it through my system. And off we went again.
Today, I am finally starting to feel better. I woke up hungry for the first time in 2 days, but still haven't had much of an appetite. I'm still battling a low fever and chills, but no contractions!
My csection had been scheduled for August 11th. After this weekend, I feel like it's a joke! I'm suppose to have the csection the week before that, but my Dr. will be on vacation. Perfect timing! I somehow don't think Blaise will stay in there quite that long. I'm hoping to get him to stay indoors for 3 more weeks. He's been giving me hell today for everything I've put him through this weekend! I just want to bring my baby home with me this time around, so hopefully for his mom's sake, he'll stay put.