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Thursday, August 13, 2009


On Tuesday, August 4th we woke up to a terrible storm. Kevin decided to work from home since it was so crazy out. I joked to Kevin that it would be crazy if my water broke on this yucky day. Be careful what you say.... 30 minutes later it broke. I had just finished eating breakfast when Blaise gave me a mighty kick that felt very different. I got up to clear the table and realized that he had broken his own water! He was ready, but we weren't! What a crazy day to try to get to the hospital! What should have been a 15 minute drive turned in to almost an hour. Luckily, I wasn't having major contractions just yet so I was as calm as I could be, but Kevin was nuts and ready to shout out the window at the cops blocking all the streets off that his wife was in labor and he needed to get through! We did think to take some pics while we were stuck in traffic. I could not believe the Walgreens parking lot. You can see the cars are almost covered!

Hanging in there!

What a crazy drive!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Preton loves to watch the garbage men. It took me a second to figure out what he was doing with his car, but once he started making the beeping garbage truck noise, I figured it out!


My Grandma gave me a bench that my Grandpa made a few years ago. It was in pretty good shape, but had a few parts that were starting to fall apart. Kevin and Preston fixed it for me. Preston loves to help his Dad fix anything! He runs inside to get the tool that matches his Dad's!


I'm sure many of you have heard that Blaise decided to arrive last Tuesday during the Flash Flood! The usual 15 minute trip to the Dr.'s took about 45 minutes! What a crazy but wonderful day! I'm trying to get a few things caught up on my blog, but I will get some pictures up of Blaise as soon as I can.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Yep, I'm about a month late on this posting. Sorry, Kevin!
Here's Preston getting some cuddle time with Daddy on Father's Day.
Preston & I made Kevin his favorite breakfast.


I've been a terrible blogger this summer, but with pretty good excuse. Preston and I are busy playing during the day and by the time he gets to bed, me and my enormous belly are ready for some couch time. I'm attempting to catch up a little before more baby pics come our way.
Preston is a little too brave for my taste around the pool. He loves to jump in. It just makes me nervous that he'll do that when Daddy is not there!

An action shot

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Have ya ever had one of those weekends where you need another weekend just to recover from your weekend? That was ours. My saga began Thursday at 3AM. I woke up feeling like I had the flu. I didn't sleep the rest of the night. I went ahead and tried to get ready for my workshop Friday, but by 7:30, I decided I just wasn't feeling well enough to go. Kevin took Preston to my mom on his way to work since I wasn't feeling well. I couldn't make it off the couch all day. By 3PM, I was convinced that I was sick and/or in pre-term labor. I called my mom to take me to the ER while Kevin met me there. They determined that I was dehydrated and I was indeed having contractions and was dilated 2 centimeters. They gave me fluid and drugs which knocked me out to let me rest and to stop the contractions. I had orders to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. They assured me that the next day I should be as good as new.
And back to the ER.... Saturday morning, I was not as good as new! I felt worse. By noon, the contractions were back and worse and I felt even more sick. Scared that this little guy is going to arrive too soon, I decided to go back to the ER. My temperature was up which was affecting Blaise's heartrate. Fortunately, I had not dilated any more from the night before despite the contractions. They tested for the flu and bacterial infections, both of which were negative. They decided that I had a virus and gave me more fluids to move it through my system. And off we went again.
Today, I am finally starting to feel better. I woke up hungry for the first time in 2 days, but still haven't had much of an appetite. I'm still battling a low fever and chills, but no contractions!
My csection had been scheduled for August 11th. After this weekend, I feel like it's a joke! I'm suppose to have the csection the week before that, but my Dr. will be on vacation. Perfect timing! I somehow don't think Blaise will stay in there quite that long. I'm hoping to get him to stay indoors for 3 more weeks. He's been giving me hell today for everything I've put him through this weekend! I just want to bring my baby home with me this time around, so hopefully for his mom's sake, he'll stay put.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


In June, we took a trip to the Indianapolis Children's Museum with my brother and his family. It was a lot of fun! Preston had a really good time.
I think he liked the trucks the best!

My cute little dino!


I've been slacking off with my blog lately, so I'm attempting to catch up before Blaise arrives!
I'm sure all my mom friends know that when it gets really quiet, they are up to something! I went to check up on Preston and his response to this mess was "Sorry, Mommy!" I was too busy laughing to be mad!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


for strawberries! This weekend, I made some homemade strawberry sorbet! Yummy! Preston was trying to be patient as it mixed.


Kevin and I had built a monkey with Preston's heartbeat inside of it for him before he was born. We decided to let Preston make one for Blaise. Here we are picking out a heart. We actually chose 3 hearts and each made a wish for Blaise.

She's stuffing the monkey
Preston got to push the pedal to add the fluff to the monkey.

Putting the heart inside!
This is my favorite part. The "air" bath! It's so cool!

Next, we made the birth certificate.
So here are the two boys! So cute!


Preston was checking up on his little brother.
Then he started to look for HIS baby!
Do ya hear anything?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Preston is always willing to help out the cars. Even if it is
work for Daddy and takes him twice as long.

He usually is soaked after washing the cars. Isn't that half the fun?


On May 17th, I celebrated my 30th birthday! It's hard to believe, but if my thirties are filled with the laughter of little boys running around, I can't imagine anything better! Preston & Grammy made me a special picture frame/card.
My friend, David, from North Carolina, sent me some flowers. They were so pretty. Thanks David!
A special card from Preston and a new IPOD. We spent the day relaxing and playing. I had a great birthday. Thanks boys!