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Thursday, August 13, 2009


On Tuesday, August 4th we woke up to a terrible storm. Kevin decided to work from home since it was so crazy out. I joked to Kevin that it would be crazy if my water broke on this yucky day. Be careful what you say.... 30 minutes later it broke. I had just finished eating breakfast when Blaise gave me a mighty kick that felt very different. I got up to clear the table and realized that he had broken his own water! He was ready, but we weren't! What a crazy day to try to get to the hospital! What should have been a 15 minute drive turned in to almost an hour. Luckily, I wasn't having major contractions just yet so I was as calm as I could be, but Kevin was nuts and ready to shout out the window at the cops blocking all the streets off that his wife was in labor and he needed to get through! We did think to take some pics while we were stuck in traffic. I could not believe the Walgreens parking lot. You can see the cars are almost covered!

Hanging in there!

What a crazy drive!

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