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Sunday, March 29, 2009


There 's our boy part. I think we can be pretty sure on this one.

Here's our newest little guy! I think he's smiling at us!I love this profile of him. I already see a resemblance to Preston's profile.

Friday, March 27, 2009

IT'S A ...

BOY! Kevin and I are so excited that Preston will have a little brother! Everything went well this morning at the ultrasound. I drank some coke to really get the baby moving and boy was he hyper. They almost couldn't tell because he was moving so much. He was busy playing with his toes which hindered a good look at the area, but after a potty break for Mommy, we could get a better picture of him. His profile already reminds me of Preston's newborn picture. His name is still being tossed around. We'll let ya know when we have made a decision. I'll post some ultrasound pictures when I get a chance this weekend. Thank you to everyone who prayed for the health of our new little guy.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Preston & Grammy have been going the spring Tot Time program at the library. Preston really likes going. He loves this "tow" that he made. Whenever he says "tow" he has to say "moo" with it. I guess they just go together.
This "ticken" is really cute. It rocks back and forth. He got to choose 1 crayon to color it. Brown was a nice choice, buddy!


Saturday we moved Preston into his big boy bed. I can't believe my baby boy is getting so big. This transition has definitely been harder for me then it has for Preston. Here's Kevin setting up the crib in the baby's room. We will hopefully find out on Friday if we will be having a boy or girl.

Watching Dad make the big change.

Checking out the new ride!
Preston made the change of beds so much better than I thought. I pictured us putting him to better dozens of times before he would fall asleep, but it only took 3 times the first night and then he seemed to just get it. I think he really loves feeling like a big boy, which helps out a lot. I'm so proud of him for doing so well. I'm getting teary eyed just writing about it. My little guy is growing up too fast.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Part of Preston's birthday present was a powerwheels Gator. We just held off from buying it this winter because we didn't want to store it. We decided this weekend that it was a perfect time to try it out. I think it was love at first sight for Preston!
Here's Daddy introducing the gas pedal!
I was surprised how fast he figured it all out. We just need to work on steering. He's so cute, he'll be waving "Hi, Momma!" looking at me and run straight into a tree if we let him! He hasn't quite figured that out just yet.
Here's Preston heading out to the woods to dump his sticks. He thought it was fun, but wanted to put them back in after we dumped them.
It didn't take long for Kevin to put him to work. He had him picking up sticks and loading up his Gator with them.
Loading it up!


Preston still loves his Halloween costume. Whenever he sees it in his closet, he asks to put it on. He loves to just sit around in it.