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Monday, April 21, 2008


Check out our baby birds! They are all snuggled up.
I decided that we needed a bat house in our backyard. That's what every yard needs.. right? We seem to have a lot of mosquitos in our woods and bats are suppose to eat like 1,000 mosquitos an hour or so. Here's hoping!
If you know of any bats that need a new home, please send them our way! We can house about 25 bats!
Here are the handymen!
In the woods, Preston is hard to spot in his camo! Where did Preston go?
Put a little muscle into it buddy!

I can't get enough of those big blue eyes!

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

i love his eyes in that last one. they are going to come in handy with the ladies someday i am sure!!